Project OSL 195 – Private Family Office, Oslo, Norway completed
Rigby & Rigby were appointed to transform a Private Family Office’s workspace in Oslo, Norway.
The office is located in a mixed-use development in Tjuvholmen (Thief Island), a prestigious area in Oslo, Norway known as a cultural hub within the city celebrating art, architecture and design. The office offers views along the waterfront to the south-west with the Oslofjord providing a scenic backdrop.
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Playing with the concept of what could be a traditional office space, Rigby & Rigby’s architectural and interior design studios have designed an office space that reflects the innovative and forward-thinking mindset of its occupiers. The layout champions organic shapes and natural materials using techniques that maximise the spatial, technical and energy efficiency of the office whilst allowing fluidity and privacy.
The well-being of the office staff has been placed at the forefront of the design, utilising both design theory and technological advancement to optimise functionality and comfort including daylight levels and space heating.
Rigby & Rigby’s interior design team have taken inspiration from the waterside location as well as the maritime heritage of the family office through the form and materiality of the furniture, accessories and artwork. The materials selected for the office place an emphasis on natural textures to create a light contemporary atmosphere.
Rigby & Rigby have once again pushed the boundaries of design and created a highly personalised space that represents the past, present and future of the family office.
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