Our Commitment: Climate Positive Events – Rigby & Rigby

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Our World

05:31 AM / 11th September 2024

Our Commitment: Climate Positive Events

To demonstrate our ongoing commitment to sustainability and support for climate mitigation efforts, we hosted our latest Allect event in collaboration with Earthly. Our Climate positive event was held at The Twenty-Two, Mayfair.

As a group, we aspire to make a conscious effort in reducing our carbon footprint where possible, however on some occasions it’s impossible to do this completely. Whilst we always strive to make sustainable choices for our events regarding location, travel, and food, on this occasion we chose to also offset our emissions by 200%.

Earthy calculated our expected footprint for the event, using the data we provided and offset this through an investment in an international nature-based project. We chose to invest in the following nature-based projects:

Manoa REDD+ Project is a partnership between Biofílica and Grupo Triângulo, located at Manoa Farm, city of Cujubim, state of Rondônia, in an area of 74.038,7 hectares. Throughout its almost 30 years of history, Manoa has improved its management techniques, becoming a model of worldwide reference of forest exploration allied with the conservation of nature.

In the years prior to project initiation, the project identified risks of forest degradation due to strong deforestation pressure, fragile property security, and a heightened risk of invasion. Land use in the area is dominated by three major themes: a) the decline of timber production; b) the conversion of forests into pastures; and c) the increase in agricultural mechanisation. On top of these pressures facing the forests, local communities lack sufficient support to ensure a stable and successful livelihood. For example, the communities in the project area lack sufficient sanitation with only one UBS (Basic Health Unit) to meet the needs of the entire population.

The main objective of this project is to maintain the forest cover while ensuring economic sustainability. In order to alleviate the pressures on the forest, strategies were adopted, such as: the exploitation of forest management in the north of the farm and in other areas of greater risk, block access roads in remote areas, and permanent watch in areas where greater fragility was identified. This project started in 2001 and has protected the area from deforestation for many years. Shown in the image, deforestation happens mostly outside the project area boundary.

, Our Commitment: Climate Positive Events

The project works to protect 177 flora species and more than 360 fauna species. Out of these species, 12 are mammals and 9 are birds in some type of threat, according to IUCN. The project also works to maintain “ecological corridors” with Conservation Units of the state of Rondônia, reducing negative impacts of degradation in the wider region.

The project is keen on wider scientific collaboration and actively seeks agreements with local educational and research institutions to provide the incentive to research and disseminate scientific and environmental knowledge to local society.

Going forward, we will continue to make conscious choices for all our events, internal and external, and make a commitment to offset all our event carbon emissions by at least 110%.

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