Covid-19: Construction Update – Rigby & Rigby

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Our World

07:44 AM / 11th September 2024

COVID - 19 Construction Update

Further to the Prime Minister’s announcement on further restrictions yesterday evening in relation to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we would like to clarify the proposed course of action that we would like to take.

As you are aware this situation has developed rapidly over recent weeks, with regular progress of the works being affected by availability of labour and resources and the Government advice for the construction industry is at best unclear at present.

The stricter measures, announced on Monday night, do not include the closure of building sites.

However, acting as a responsible Employer and Considerate Constructor, we have agreed that the morally responsible course of action would be to temporarily close all our construction sites to ensure the health & safety of our community, employees and site operatives.

All our site operations will be suspended in a safe and orderly manner on Friday 27th March 2020.

Please rest assured that we will be continuing to work on all projects behind the scenes to ensure that when the temporary government restrictions are lifted, we can re-mobilise as soon as possible.

While it remains unclear as to what the immediate future will bring, we will adapt the way we work to ensure we can continue to meet our commitments as we navigate this ongoing situation together.

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